No + Low

Not just for January!
Here at FREDS we are big fans of flavour and flavour comes from many sources… alcohol is just one of those sources.
Over the last few years, we have witnessed a positive movement towards a mindful approach to enjoying alcohol, and as a result, many new and delicious products have been created.
Many have adopted "Dry January' as a way of feeling better, after a very sociable December. No + Low products can be enjoyed all year round (not just Jan) and can play a key role in our drinks repertoire.
Throughout Feb, we want to take a look at some of these products; try them and enjoy them in different ways. We’ll be joined by a guest or two as we go.
We spoke to Seedlip non-alcoholic spirits Ambassador @ChristiKnight who shared her view on this emerging trend.
“The way the world drinks is constantly evolving, from being wary of sugar content, to drinking more mindfully, and recently drinking less, but better. But this doesn’t mean we don’t want to enjoy meaningful, delicious experiences with our loved ones. And when it comes down to it, delicious drinks are not defined by their alcohol content, but how they taste and make us feel.
I truly believe every home has something to gain by having a non-alcoholic product at hand. Everyone should be able to enjoy these precious moments, regardless of whether they are drinking or not.” - Christie Knight